rakan setia..

Sabtu, Mei 29


yesterday i've chat with a new fren..i've spent my time until 4am so dat i can ym with him..hurm..then he needs to do something so he pass our conversation to his kazen..his kazen is a girl..x kesah la..we juz chat 4 only 10 min..da problem is she beg me so dat i'll be his boyfren in the end of the conversation..what the heck man??is she crazy??couple after know each other for 10 min??

sory..its not me..

4 ulasan:

salwaabubakar berkata...

she's freaking desperate.

mr. weird berkata...

hahaaa..tau x per..takot giler..

Danish. berkata...

hehu ramai peminat :P

cIk bUxIEy dEbAb berkata...

hahaha... mmg gilak r pminat mirul~