rakan setia..

Sabtu, Julai 31

changing party..!!

peace me..

peace no war..

"i want a cake too!!"

x der gaye lain da..sampai aq  xder ider nak cakap aper kat sini..hehee


meh nari meh..ehhehee

kek cikgu syl..

bkn nak tunjuk die pegang gitar..tp nak wat iklan colgate sebenarnye..

nak posing jer keje nye..

"im trying to make a new song for syl"

chan da lapar da..usha makanan jer..

x reti main pon..tp style mesti ader..

macam kembar la mereka2 yg pakai baju hitam tuh..ehheee

nie la akak yg chumel..n ade je tangan yg menyemak..

"im confused, please help me!!"


"haa, meh dengar ape akak nak kabar nie meh"

"im george..new member.."

"heish, sha nie tenung2 pakwe aq..nak kene nie"


with feeling..

acare memotong cikgu..bkn  potong kek eh..

mari makan ramai2..

 lastly, he's stayed..

 "im happy too, but george will go to UMS"


this post i dedicate to my fren..i thought dat i will say gud bye to my fren, Syl..
but actually diz is a welcoming party not a farewell party..
we hav a good time together..
n diz nite, all of the members of the group including kak zara, kak sha n kak zakiyah convince him about his decision..heheee..wish u gud luck syl....

adios all..
c u later..

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